3 lessons about boundaries
We were talking about boundaries. It’s something we do A LOT here at The OBC. When you take our doula training you’ll take time to reflect on your boundaries. You’ll explore the nature of your boundaries in the written part of the course, discuss them in group sessions and in 1-2-1 mentoring sessions as well.
Why are boundaries so important for you as a doula?
Your boundaries are YOUR rules detailing what is appropriate in your relationship with your client and in the scope of your work. This ables us to look after our own needs whilst supporting someone else.
Ensuring that you and your clients are aware of your boundaries enables you to help compartmentalise your work. This prevents work seeping into home life it doesn’t take over every aspect of your life. Your own health, family, hobbies and wellbeing need to always take precedent. Remaining a well rounded individual gives you the foundation to support others long term. Rather than constantly reacting to what’s going on immediately in front of you in the moment. It’s the classic, “You can’t put from an empty cup!”
Here at The Original Birth Connection we’re a bit obsessed with helping our birth workers establish robust boundaries.
So here are 3 lessons about boundaries I’ve learnt after 10 years as a doula
1. You need to have them! It's really important that you understand how the need for boundaries not only supports. It also helps aid a relationship of transparency and trust with your clients. You need to establish your boundaries with on with your clients. There are lots of ways to do this but the key is communication
2. Check in with your boundaries - boundaries evolve and should have an energy of fluidity around them. They don't need to be rigid and unshakeable. By this, I mean that as birth keepers we need to ensure we nurture our self-reflective practice. Continually checking in with ourselves that we're comfortable and authentic in the services that we provide. Discussing your boundaries with peers and mentors, journaling and listening to that little voice in your head. These can be a helpful way to do this.
3. Hold yourself gently - we all get it wrong sometimes. We all find ourselves in a place at some point where our boundaries are tested. Sometimes we simply forget the importance of the boundaries we've created because we have such a strong desire to service a client. Do not beat yourself up. Invite some space and time into your life to reaffirm the importance of your boundaries. Explore how they serve you and your clients and how you can honour them in your future work.
When you take any of The OBC training courses you are supported by experienced doulas. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you, and you will never be alone! Helping you establish and protect your boundaries and develop your individual scope of practice are what we’re all about!