What is Radical?

We use the word radical a lot, it’s in the name of our full spectrum course. It may feel like a contentious word for some, particularly those who feel that the Doulas role is still very much about simply watching and allowing physiological birth to unfold. What we know though, is that birth is not this straightforward if we’re engaging with modern maternity services. 

So what is Radical? And maybe even more importantly, what isn’t radical?

Radical Means

The whole of the OBC course is based on your radical responsibility. We talk about this throughout the course consistently. Responsibility to your client & responsibility to yourself. In the way you communicate, schedule, support and advocate. Radical Doulas centre the power within the birthing person, they make this the central point of their support. 

They hold space, they don’t control the space, which is an important distinction.  

Radical responsibility to the birthing person means that their needs and wishes are the most important thing. It’s the filter that every interaction goes through, it’s at the front of every OBC doulas mind as they are supporting their clients. 

It also means that a Radical doula takes powerful responsibility for their own well being. A person cannot pour from an empty cup, they cannot care for others if they aren’t caring for themselves.  We see compassion fatigue in the care many parents are receiving from stressed out, overworked NHS workers, who have no opportunity to care for themselves. Our clients often need us, so they need the best version of us that we can bring.

Radical as a choice of word empowers. Doulas need to feel empowered to support their clients to the best of their ability.  In order to build the confidence of their clients, a radical doula needs to feel confident. We build intelligent advocacy, strong communication skills and relationship building into how we train our Doulas. We equip them with a deep understanding of the physiological process of birth, as well as navigating all birth spaces and situations. 

Radical isn’t a dirty word.

What Radical isn’t?

What radical doesn’t mean is just as important as what it does mean.   It does not mean confrontational, it does not mean activist first, it does not mean being passive either. 

Activism is important in todays maternity world.  In a way, every birth supported by a Doula is a form of activism. But that shouldn’t be the experience of the birthing person. Their experience should be that they felt held and heard. Their experience should be that they felt comfortable and confident that their voice is heard, respected and enacted. The activism is there, but it is secondary. 

It does not mean being the loudest voice in the room. We know that that’s not how things get done. Collaboration and care are how we support positive experiences. Professionalism and building strong relationships are how we best support our clients.

Our training doesn’t leave you to learn these complex nuances of support on your own.  The skills needed are built into the content, but you’re also immediately a part of a supportive and knowledgable vast community of OBC Doulas - often there for you whenever you need them! Plus, all the mentoring that’s built in means no question ever needs to go unanswered, no concern or fear need be unsurmountable. Whether it be the work itself, or managing your personal life around doulaing. 

A Radical Doula knows that their ego doesn’t belong in the birth space. They are a part of a major change in someones life, they are there to serve the birthing person. They are providing radical service.

Radical is powerful. Radical is what we need to support birthing people in todays maternity service. A radical doula is empathetic, professional, informed and steadfast in their passion for human rights and advocacy in the birth space.

Radical is power! 


We whisper it…